Envirologic NavalKleen 5 gallons

NavalKleen is an active mixture of hydrocarbon-oxidizing, naturally occurring, single celled micro-organisms with a bio-surface cleaning agent an water.
This product is used by the military, Coast Guard, commercial and private boat owners around the world for bilges and oily waste tanks.
Availability Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Business Days


5 gallons of NavalKleen concentrated microbial-enzymatic hydrocarbon remediation agent for oil-water separators-marine bilges-oily waste tanks.
There has been an increase in mandates and regulations from state and federal environmental agencies such as the EPA and DEP for the installation and use of Oil-Water Separators & interceptors in the Marine industry. NavalKleen has the ability to meet and exceed these mandates. NavalKleen has the ability to significantly reduce hydrocarbon contamination in bilges, oily wast tanks and oil water separators. The added cleaning & degrease bio-surface agent will help to keep your facility clean & safe for all personnel.

NavalKleen is a blend of naturally occurring micro-organisms chosen for their ability to metabolize “eat” hydrocarbons such as Number 2 Diesel Fuel, Number 6 Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lube oil Diesel, Lube oil, mineral oil, transformer oil, Diesel fuel marine, Naval Distillate fuel NDF, Paint thinner, organic pesticides, transmission fluid and other hydrocarbons. NavalKleen can be used in Bilges, oily waste tanks and oil water separators. When used in a routine maintenance program, NavalKleen will eliminate hydrocarbon build-up, eliminating the need to clean bilges, pump the oily waste tank and clean the oily water separator. Reduce your pump out cost by reducing the amount of oily waste in the tank. Call for case studies.

Listed on the DSL for Environment Canada
Massachusetts FAC 85 Statewide Contract
Located in the USDA’s Bio-preferred catalog

Call us for Pricing 978-457-9229 or email [email protected]

Contact US Eco Products Corp for large orders and bulk discounts


Additional information

Weight 45 lbs
Pleasant smell, naturally occurring micro-organisms, cleaning action begins immediately, Bio-remediation
Physical Properties:
Apperance: Pale Yellow Liquid
Odor: Orange Citrus
Boiling Point: 212 F
Soluble in Water: Complete
pH Concentrate: 6.9 to 7.2
pH Diluted: 6.9 to 7.5
Evaporation Rate: Same as Water

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