FPT-600 case of four 1 gallon containers. 4/1 gallon containers
Contact US Eco Products, Corporation for more information and pricing
[email protected] or 978-457-9229
FPT-600 is a concentrated Microbial-enzymatic remediation agent for Food Processing Plants and restaurants.
FPT-600 is a unique idea in the cleaning, maintenance and remediation of troublesome contaminants in the food processing industry. This product was designed to utilize Bio-Remediation technology to literally “EAT” animal and vegetable greases, oils, starches, and lipids from all areas of your plant. It will also remediate “eat” any hydrocarbons that may be present in the production areas from leaking lubricant and hydraulic lines on your equipment/machinery. This Bio-Remedial technology uses naturally occurring micro-organisms to degrade all of the hydrocarbon that may cause manufacturing or processing failures.
FPT-600 is compounded with special Bio-Nutrient compounds to accelerate the Bio-Remedial process & render the polluting compounds harmless to your equipment, your employees and the environment. The by products of this process is CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and water. FPT-600 is an excellent general purpose cleaner, keeps equipment shiny and clean.
FPT-600 is a highly concentrated liquid must be mixed at a minimum ratio of 15 parts water to 1 part FPT-600. You may add more water. FPT-600 will start working immediately without harsh harmful chemicals.
FPT-600 can safely be used in most food processing, poultry processing, meat packing, rendering, bakery, soft-drink, brewery, pet food processing and food service facilities.
Listed on the DSL for Environment Canada
*Picture may not reflect actual size of product*
Available in 5-gallon cubitainers, 1-gallon jugs, 55-gallon drums
MHEC Contract #G02, Grounds Maintenance:Equipment,Supplies and Services
MHEC Contract # G17 Custodial Cleaning Equipment and Supplies
Physical Properties:
Appearance: Purple liquid
Odor: Orange Citrus
Boiling point: 212 F
Soluble in Water: Complete
pH Concentrate: 6.6 to 7.2
pH Diluted: 6.2 to 7.5
Evaporation rate: same as water