(FleetKleen Rigwash, 5 gallons) FleetKleen RigWash has been specially designed to act as a multi-purpose cleaner and Degreaser for offshore oil and gas environment.
Fleetkleen Rigwash is highly concentrated , non-aggressive cleaner that can be used for cleaning all surfaces, including metals, rubber, plastic acrylics, chrome and plated finishes and painted surfaces without fear of warping, etching, weakening or corroding and is safe to use on all machinery and equipment.
This Product utilizes bioremedial technology to literally “eat” grease, oil, and hydrocarbon off any hard surface. This process uses naturally occurring, harmless micro-organisms with specially formulated bio-surfactants to degrade these hydrocarbons.
Surface cleaner for oil rigs, equipment and boats. Nonharmful
Fleetkleen contains no solvents and is non-flammable. It is non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-corrosive and non-caustic. When this product is used in a routine maintenance program , it will effectively help maintain a clean and safe environment while effectively and economically eliminating hazardous hydrocarbon pollution in the work place
Listed for the Gold award for CEFAS non-toxic to aquatic life
Listed on the DSL for environment Canada
Bio-Remedial Cleaner for the offshore oil rig industry
Call or email for Pricing 978-457-9229 or [email protected]