These paper biodegradable cups are lined with NatureWorks polylactic acid (PLA), which is derived from corn grown in the USA. They differ from normal cups in that normal cups are lined with polyethylene and are not compostable or recyclable.
Paper/PLA cups are not the most sustainable solution, but they are a step in the right direction. The paper comes from PotLatch Corporation, a sustainable forestry corporation, and is Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) (bleached without elemental chlorine). The cups are lined with PLA for easy recycling or composting. Cafes, restaurants and cafeterias require paper products for their look, printability and general customer acceptance. Technologically, it is very hard to make cups similar to paper cups from alternative fibers like bagasse, straw etc. We are still researching to see if paper cups and bowls can be made from a mix of alternative fibers, recycled fibers and sustainably managed wood fibers to create a more sustainable product.
Please note, composting is required for biodegradation and these compostable plates will biodegrade within 30 days in a commercial composting facility, and within 90 days in a home composting system.
US Eco Products, Corporation looks to provide their clients with the best available biodegradable or compostable plates, bowls, hot cups, cutlery, takeout containers, bags, green cleaning products and many more items. If you have any questions please call us at 1-978-457-9229 we would be happy to help you.