OWS-200 Case of 1 gallon containers 4 to a case

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Case of 1 Gallon containers 4 to a case OWS-200

Concentrated Microbial Enzymatic Hydrocarbon remediation agent for Oil-Water Separators from EnviroLogic
There has been an increasing mandate from Governmental environmental agencies for the installation and use of oil-water separators & interceptors in industry. These new regulations have placed a heavy burden, both financial & operational on all phases of commercial & industrial business. OWS-200 can & will help to overcome many of these expenses. This product has the ability to significantly reduce hydrocarbon contamination in these separators thereby reducing the high cost of disposal & transportation. The added cleaning & degreasing bio-surface agent will help to keep your facility clean & safe for all personnel. OWS-200 is a blend of naturally occurring micro-organisms chosen for their ability to metabolize hydrocarbons in oil-water separators. When used in routine maintenance program OWS-200 will eliminate the hydrocarbon build-up that leads to production interrupting back-ups.
MHEC Contract #G02, Grounds Maintenance:Equipment,Supplies and Services
please call or email for Pricing 978-457-9229 or [email protected]

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Weight 35 lbs

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