GTO 5 gallon Cubitainers
Contact US Eco Products, Corporation for more information and pricing
[email protected] or 978-457-9229
GTO for Grease traps and tanks
GTO will literally EAT the oils, grease, animal fats, vegetable oils right out of the grease trap. No more nasty grease trap problems.
GTO is a natural biological treatment system, designed for the food processing, manufacturing and service industries. GTO was developed to digest the grease, fats and organic wastes that accumulate in Grease traps and drain lines. GTO is a live synergistic (working together) liquid blend of all natural, CLASS 1 bacteria specifically chosen for their accelerated ability to metabolize solids, grease, fats, proteins, lipids and detergents into carbon dioxide and water. They literally eat the grease, fats and lipids. GTO will virtually eliminate the need to pump the grease trap and reduce the odors associated with the maintenance of the trap. Less grease in the drains and grease traps fewer pests and flies, less likely to back up or overflow. Use GTO as part of your everyday maintence.
GTO contains no solvents and is non-corrosive, non-toxic and non-caustic. GTO is compatible with all grease trap systems and is a safe effective way to solve your grease trap problems. GTO will help prevent back-ups, overflows and odor problems that you may have experienced in the past.
This product works well in combination with SEP-700, FPT-600
Helps Clean up Coconut Milk and Coconut Butter
Listed on the DSL for environment Canada
MHEC Contract #G02, Grounds Maintenance:Equipment,Supplies and Services
MHEC Contract # G17 Custodial Cleaning Equipment and Supplies
High Concentrate, only need to dose once a day. Easy to use
Physical Properties:
Appearance: Clear-cloudy liquid
Odor: None
Boiling Point: 212 F
Soluble in Water: complete
pH Concentrate 6.6 to 7.2
pH Diluted: 6.2 to 7.5
Evaporation Rate: Same as water