How to keep your property slip free in the coldest of winters. How do you prevent concrete damage and hazardous runoff into bodies of water, lakes, streams, wetlands, and the ocean.
Snow and ice melt are necessary in the snow belt. They help keep us from falling and slipping when walking during an ice storm or snowstorm. The ice melt enables us to continue driving the roads and keep the airports open during or after a storm. How do they differ. Cities and States use sand and salt or just salt on the roads. They may combine it with other ingredients to keep it on the road. It is the least expensive type of ice melt. The sand gives you traction and the salt reduce the temperature that water will freeze. The cons of using sand and salt is it will harm the waterways and kill any vegetations on the edge of the road. Wildlife comes to the edge of the roadway to lick the salt. It will harm the paws of your dogs.
There are specialty ice melts /deicing products consisting of glycol, potassium acetate and/ or acetate for handling sensitive equipment such as airplanes and runways. These work to prevent ice from forming on the airplanes and will not harm the metals and electronics on an airplane.
There is Calcium Chloride works to low temperature although has a quick short freeze and thaw cycle which is damaging to concrete, parking garages, sidewalks… The dust is dangerous and caustic it is also harmful to pet and children.
Magnesium Chloride works at a low temperature; however, it chemically attacks the concrete and leaves a residue easy to be tracked damaging flooring. Difficult to store as when it comes in contact with moisture it becomes a slimy mess.
Urea is also known as fertilizer and too much fertilizer is not good for the environment. It will not work at lower temperature and is an expensive component.
It is important to determine how and where you will use ice melt/deicer, what your budget is and environmental factors before choosing the right solution for you.
US Eco Products Corporation offers a variety of ice melts/deicers.