SpillAway + Bio-Remedial Absorbent 25 lb pails
SpillAway + Bio-Remedial Absorbent Enzymatic, introduces a new era in the absorption and disposal of hydrocarbon contaminants such as jet fuel, motor oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, power steering fluid that are commonly found in driveways, loading docks, fueling areas, machine shops, Lubricant Pipeline breaks, auto and truck wash areas. This product merges the technologies of a pharmaceutical grade, highly efficient absorbent with safe and effective microbes utilizing the exciting technique of Bio-Remediation. The high absorbency of this product makes it the ideal product to absorb oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene and others. The microbes literally eat the contamination with its bio-remedial properties. The surface will be completely dry, free of the contaminant, and skid resistant. No slippery surface.
Part of ISO 14001 certification
Listed in the USDA Bio-Remedial product list.
Easily handles bio-fuel spills. Prefect for keeping areas clean of spills.
Reuse over and over again, and dispose of in the trash or throw it on the lawn it will act like mulch.
Manufactured in the United States
UNSPC 47131902
Helps prevent slips and falls, by leaving a slip free surface.
Contact US Eco Products Corporation for bulk pricing and MSDS information.
Please call or email for pricing
[email protected] or 978-457-9229
MHEC Contract #G02, Grounds Maintenance:Equipment,Supplies and Services
MHEC Contract # MC15-G17 Custodial Cleaning Equipment and Supplies
Massachusetts Statewide contract FAC 85
Toyota Part number YN8CON3288 PSI SPILLAWAY + ABSORBENT 12140C
SpillAway + Bio- Remedial Absorbent is an active mixture of hydrocarbon-oxidizing, naturally occurring, single- celled micro-organisms with a pharmaceutical grade absorbent
Product Effectiveness:
The effectiveness of SpillAway and the speed at which it works is determined by certain factors. In general these factors are as follows:
Temperature: The warmer the temperature, the faster this product will work
Age of the stain or spill: The older the stain or spill, the longer it takes to work.
Type of Hydrocarbon: Some hydrocarbons take longer than others
It has been our experience that the absorption action of this product begins immediately.
The bio-remedial process will begin almost immediately, after the introduction of water, but may take a longer period of time to complete depending on the above factors.