World Centric biodegradable and compostable paper bowls are lined with NatureWorks Ingeo polylactic acid (PLA), which is derived from corn grown in the USA. Most cups you’ll find on the market are lined with polyethylene and won’t compost. Our bowls work perfect for hot foods up to 200 degrees F.
Cafes, restaurants and cafeterias require paper products for their look, printability and general customer acceptance. Technologically, it’s very hard to make something similar to paper cups from alternative fibers. We are still researching to see if paper cups and bowls can be made from a mix of alternative fibers, recycled fibers and sustainably managed wood fibers to create a more sustainable product.
Instead of using petroleum based plastics which create toxicity and environmental pollution, you can now use our compostable alternatives.
These products are BPI (Biodegradables Product Institute) Certified. |